IVD test

PowerChekTM SARS-COV-2,InfluenzaA&B, RSV Multiplex Real-time PCR Kit II

PowerChek™ SARS-CoV-2 Real-time PCR Kit series are the fast and accurate testing solution of seasonal respiratory viruses for nucleic acid from SARS-CoV-2, Influenza A virus, Influenza B virus, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) specifically. KogeneBiotech provides the total solution from sample preparation to data analysis, and refer to the related product list.

As the products are Medical Device, please read ‘caution’ and ‘instruction’ before use.

  • Total solution from sample to detection
  • Combination tests for respiratory viruses
  • Highly sensitivity & specificity
  • Including all necessary reagents


  • Primer/Probe Mix
  • RT-PCR Master Mix (or RT-PCR Premix)
  • (IR6903 – RPC ; RNA Process Control)
    (IR6906 – RPC & RPC Extraction Solution)
  • Control
  • Kit Manual



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