AmpliSens® Mycoplasma genitalium-FRT


Mycoplasma genitalium is an often asymptomatic, bacterial STD which bears some similarities to gonorrhoea and chlamydia. Because M. genitalium often occurs in association with other infections in both men and women, it is quite difficult to diagnose the condition on its own. M. genitalium in women has been linked to conditions such as bacterial vaginosis, cervicitis, pelvic inflammatory disease and endometritis. M. genitalium has also been found in women who have given birth prematurely. Often, M. genitalium is diagnosed in men who suffer from urethritis (inflammation of the urethra) which is not caused by gonorrhoea or chlamydia.

AmpliSens® Mycoplasma genitalium-FRT PCR kits are built for detection of the pathogen in clinical materials (cervical, urethral scrapes/swabs, urine sediment, prostate gland secrete). Kits contain Internal Control for detection of DNA extraction efficiency, as well as for control of amplification process.

Availability Fluorescent channels Shelf life Assay detail Certification # of reactions Format Detection Description Catalog number
download (5) download (8) 9 months genotyping + quantitative download (3)
download (2) AmpliSens® Mycoplasma genitalium-FRT R-B4-F(RG,iQ) -CE

  Real-Time   Reverse transcription    Fluorescent End-Point    Reagents in stock tubes   Ready-to-use PCR tubes 
 on request     available

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